Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Joy Through Family ~ Kevin's Parents

Kevin's folks are pretty cool people too!  They're quiet natured and kind.  Living only about 45 minutes away, we're able to make quick trips to seem them, all though not as often as we used to.  Here's why they're special:
  • they love spending time with their grand kids
  • they've taken our kids, for weekends, before, because they want to.  There was one time Ian was upset because he had to leave!
  • they're both avid readers - a trait that has filtered down through the generations - and thus they spoil the boys with books
  • will help out when we need someone to hang out with the boys
  • Kevin's dad has a dry sense of humor, at least I know where Kevin gets his from!
  • Kevin's dad worked for the same company most of his career.  Though Kevin's been at his current company a long while, he still has a while to go to catch up to his dad!
  • Kevin's mom likes to make sure everyone has what they'd like at family meals!  She's almost a short order cook, but it's appreciated! 
  • they love being retired - it gives them plenty of time to travel and to spend with family
Got to love the informal, older photos.
Simon is 3 and 1 week!
Ian is still a new born < 24 hours old!

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