Monday, August 25, 2014

Joy Through the Alphabet ~ W

The letter W ~  starts some good words like we, wheel, Washington Nationals, and probably many other things as well.  This past weekend we spent the weekend with my folks and another came to mind which begins my list!

  • woodworking ~ my dad can create just about ANYTHING out of wood and it looks beautiful.  Pictures below
  • Whatchamacallit candy bars ~ favorite when I was younger
  • WMZQ ~ Country Station I listened to years ago

 Ipad Stand, pulled together in
a couple ours of active work.
My dad is truly gifted in woodworking!
Gap in stand is so that you can charge
while it is resting!

Back portion ~ chain so it doesn't slide.
I will eventually stain or paint this.


  1. Room for charging cable is important since there are a couple of younger folks who like using the iPad to watch Netflix!

    1. yup! And for me who remembers to charge when it is at 15%!
