Friday, December 5, 2014

Hard Rounds in Life

Yup!  Life has been feeling hard the last few days!  There is still good in the bad!  Trying to find the good can be hard and feels extremely difficult at times.  By the end of the day, I was just thankful that it was the end of the day, that we were all home, and it was time to sleep.  We'd had clothes to wear, things to do, school to get done, food to eat, and a safe place to sleep.  Seems like sort of a "crutch" of a list.  Some days are like that though.  When in the mix of feeling down, it's hard to be thankful and see the joy.

I desperately need to surround myself with family and friends that can help me see the good, the joy, the thankfulness.  If you have any for today, please share so I can rejoice with you.

Something pretty to liven up a drab post!

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