Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ordinary in the daily routine

During this Covid-19, stay at home, not out of Phase 0, life feeling a touch mundane, finding the Joy. Here is what it looks like:

  • seeing my neighbors more frequently.  We meet, on our joined driveway, from a safe distance, for an hour every Friday. This week will be #11.  We've talked about continuing even when the crisis is over.
  • Simon has been working at a grocery store for a long while now.  It seemed like he was only getting one 4 hour shift a week.  When busy with college and other activities, that was ok.  He looked for another job, but those were few and far between.  With this pandemic, he has been getting a lot more hours.  Now we happy he didn't find a new job, he might have been laid off. 
  • With some birthday money, I bought some journalling stencils.  Been using them in my store bought planner, to make bullet marks; helpful to me for checking things off or highlighting if I didn't get it done.  I have added washi tape, in the back, to designate certain pages as different pages.  Added ribbons, just today, to paper clips, to make it easier to find certain pages, other than the tabbed month.  Yeah, I am a bit geeked out and getting more organized.
  • the end of 2019/2020 school year is just days away.  Several subjects have been completed already.  Managed to finalize those grades, package up the work, and get it into long term storage.  Excited by this, because I have been trying to stay on top of the grading all year and it has paid off.
  • in our neck of the woods, it is starting to warm up.  Think I have figured out the strategic placing of fans, so that we can keep the A/C off.  Have no firm facts, but seems like a few fans running, certain curtains closed, unnecessary lights off, would be cheaper than running A/C, curtains open and random lights on (a habit I am trying to break).  There is a touch of joy in this for  me.
  • last but not least, guys who are content with simple meals and ones they can fix on their own.
What brings you Joy?

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