2016 Joy

  1. wood stove cranking out heat
  2. Pandora - the music, not the jewelry
  3. nothing on the calendar today
  4. coffee
  5. data entry
  6. thankful for a smart phone to get a bit of "work" done while waiting on co-op to start
  7. another teacher organizing lessons for the first few weeks back
  8. coffee and creamer a the mom's part
  9. shuffling dinners around because the crock pot wasn't started at the right time
  10. naps for the weary family
  11. picking up a devotional book early
  12.  another year celebrated with our oldest, now 16
  13. having enough, various forms of chocolate, in house to make ice cream, cake, and frosting
  14. a good attitude from children (mostly, with only minor correcting) pretty much all day
  15. easy to fix dinner
  16. realizing how much food we have in the freezer and pantry (just need to meal plan off of that)
  17. keeping the house warm without much electricity
  18. a child bathing our dog for me
  19. cake and ice cream before dinner
  20. commiserating, with a friend, over raising boys
  21. body holding out, as a lot of time spent standing and washing dishes
  22. watching the smiles on 16 yo as he opened gifts and mail today
  23. husband coming home early to celebrate life as a family
  24.  easy to shop for new teen
  25. hot, Earl Gray tea (thanks friend)
  26. kids playing in the way cold
  27. friends willing to let their kids play in the way cold
  28. hanging out with mom's of only 2 kids (maybe that story will crop up on another day)
  29. teen happy with a white cake and chocolate orange frosting
  30. home made, cookies and cream, ice cream - oh so tasty - almost better than CFA cookies and cream shake
  31. games around the tame
  32. another teen working hard to catch up on school work
  33. being content with what we have
  34. sunlight reflecting off of fresh snow
  35. neighbors, who pitch in to get a job done
  36. hot tea
  37. time to wander Micheal's
  38. friends
  39. reading
  40. not loosing electricity
  41. fitbit
  42. easy meals to prepare
  43. time to put feet up
  44. aches and pains subsiding
  45. ladies bible studies starting again
  46. fitbit challenges to keep the step count up
  47. promises of Spring
  48. kids maturing
  49. fresh coffee
  50. getting back to a regular routine
  51. time for coloring
  52. time to read
  53. seeing kids smile
  54. sunshine
  55. daffodils peaking out of the ground, way to early
  56.  warm, dry weather (with a breeze even)
  57. planting our garden
  58. final weeks of the school year
  59. coffee
  60. getting a computer back
  61. remembering the stash of good chocolate
  62. boredom busters
  63. meeting friends for lunch
  64. getting things accomplished around the house
  65. 657 days this blog has been up and running
  66. 5,133 page views on "Joy Discovered"
  67. 35 published comments to "Joy Discovered"
  68. 10 countries viewed this blog
  69. 10 houses I've lived in (not including college dorms)
  70. 19 + a few months of mairrage
  71. 2 kids
  72. 8th car in almost 30 years
  73. 1 living pet (Charlotte is our 4th though)
  74. 14 years, this July, in current house
  75. 108 years, combined tally of our folks mairrage (57 & 51)
  76. 15 years 7 months out of the "work force"
  77. 3 states lived in
  78. 1 country, beyond USA, lived in
  79. quickly made chili
  80. good lunch
  81. grilled dinner (even in the rain)
  82. good snacks
  83. vegging
  84. ice cream with caramel sauce
  85. catching up with a "kindered sole"
  86. seeing glimmers of our kids totally happy and content
  87. spending time in the kitchen
  88. smells of homemade banana bread and meatballs (but not at the same time)
  89. lazy dinner because my energy was spent on the above
  90. playing in water while it rained
  91. lots of time knitting
  92. watching "This Old House" and "Ask This Old House" with our oldest, reminds me of times with my dad
  93. making time to blog, today it feels good ~ not a chore
  94. an audio book comes coming, through local library (get to add to the reading tab here)
  95. saw first hummingbird (s) today
  96. oldest son attend first prom
  97. enjoyed food prepped yesterday
  98. started listening to a new audio book for me
  99.  having had another day, even when doing life while exhausted
  100. end of long day
  101. adult conversations
  102. hearing others speak well of our boys
  103. cold, crisp apple
  104. IRL friends
  105. on-line friends
  106. potato seeds sprouting
  107. walks
  108. rug cleaner
  109. two fridges (to thaw the main one)
  110. good food
  111. teen making brownies
  112. movies
  113. knitting
  114. naps
  115. fans circulating cool air
  116. Trader Joe Chocolate Crossaints
  117. Ikea Cinnamon Roles (for price, okay tasting) 
  118. seeing our kids smile
  119. naps (whoops, that backfired on me)
  120. time to listen to audio book
  121. hitting my step count goal
  122. playing around with scrap yarn
  123. soup
  124. popsiscles
  125. getting hard chores done
  126. good discussions with the boys
  127. clean out the fridge dinner
  128. being tired at a reasonable time for bed
  129. finishing school up for the year
  130. first trip to the community pool
  131. school books for next year coming in
  132. visiting my folks
  133. first tomatoes coming in
  134. first batch of ice cream for the summer
  135. scout being inducted into "Order of the Arrow"
  136. amount of folks who volunteer at church
  137. Pastors:  Mark Green making me laugh because we're one of the few homeschooling families without a globe in the house.  Nace Lanier's sermon with Matthew 7:3; I often go back to that before I correct our children or bring something up to a friend.  TJ V. and always saying Quest kids can get squirrely or things go "sideways".  I love those polite phrases and use them often. Matt Watson's VBS plug last Sunday and mentioning Matthew 20:28; I have been more aware of serving, even in the little things, and trying to do more.
  138. Thankful that my aching body held out day, as I tried to keep up getting things done
  139. Thankful that my husband noticed the crockpot was off in time, that dinner was still had at a descent hour
  140. Thankful for a husband taking the 16 yo shoe shopping, so I could stay home and clean
  141. Thankful for power, during a warm spell, so we have A/C and running fans
  142. Thankful for time to just sit and veg
  143. Thankful for the fine young men our boys are turning into.
  144. Thankful for a friend, who's husband is encouraging her to hang out with friends more.  We both need it more.  Look forward to whatever we plan.
  145. Thankful for Sunday evenings and time to rest.
  146. blue skies
  147. some cooler days
  148. fall colors
  149. election being over
  150. fall/winter meal planning
  151. walks through the woods
  152. hot tea
  153. hot chocolate
  154. fresh, homemade whipped cream
  155. blankets
  156. crazy, silly dog
  157. sunshine
  158. aforementioned donuts
  159. fresh coffee
  160. sleeping, snuggly dog
  161. kids in a cheerful mood
  162. Allison Kraus station on Pandora
  163. Trip to Nall's for inexpensive apples
  164. Finding soy candles at Nall's
  165. Pizza for lunch
  166. Warm sun while outside
  167. Opportunity to kick back for a bit
  168. time to read
  169. roaring fires
  170. good coffee
  171. boys doing well in school
  172. time off
  173. getting out and walkin
  174. apple picking
  175. Christmas Lights
  176. Simon put star on Christmas tree
  177. matching pajamas
  178. finding another good color of yarn for my sky scarf
  179. time out, by myself
  180. slow morning
  181. good music
  182. Young Living Oils
  183. home made food
  184. getting third quarter printing finished

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